2024 Fishing Reports

June 29,24

Fishing has been fair the past few weeks. Weather is finally slowly warming up, surface temps hovering around 60F which is just enough to start some damsel hatches which is almost a month behind schedule in this unusual cooler start to the season. Finding feeding fish has been in shallow to very shallow water slurping up the damsel nymphs as they work their way to the shore line and climb up the bulrushes or shoreline grasses to shed their chucks, dry their wing to take flight. Floating line with mono leader and tippet casting to boiling water as the fish take the nymphs inches below the surface  is a lot of fun as they slam the nymph during their feeding. Troller are picking up fish with Kwick fish and Hotshots, worms under a float has had some success. Chironomid hatches did slowdown with only very small(18-22’s) coming off. Yesterday evening  #12’s were popping in 7 feet of water so hopefully were start to see some better hatches of bigger bugs in the near future. Their down their so bloodworms twice the size of the adults seen may do the trick, coppertops have been in the chatter, throat pumps show medium olive pupae in smaller sizes(18-16’s) with the odd larger very dark green pupae, your Zucchini or Pornamid  patterns mat work but being the odd one may not. Saw a dragonfly a few days ago so that may be part of the groceries the fish may take. Weeds are still down with the cooler Spring. An unusual Spring with mainly unstable weather up until now has most die hard fly guys scratching their heads as fish are not feeding deeper than 10 feet yet. Casting and stripping has been good, although some get dialed in on the indicator, it makes it frustrating parked close by with 5000 chironomids on board and the indicator just gets in the way when casting and stripping and rarely goes down. Mayfly hatches have been light and scattered.

June 5,24

The cold May and 1st few days of June are behind us, water temps got up to 56 10 days ago and did drop to 49 less than a week ago and now sits at 54. Warmer temperatures will raise … Continue reading

May 17, 24

Fishing continues to be good the past week and continues with the unstable weather over the Victoria Long Weekend. We woke up to snow in the hills and a strong Northwesterly wind with the odd shower. Lows will be dropping … Continue reading

May 5, 24

Spring has seen a gradual warming of the water, surface temps hit 50 yesterday afternoon. Mid to low 40’s the past few weeks. Good chironomid hatches have been seen. mainly 16’s, some 14’s and yesterday 12’s were coming off. Fish … Continue reading

Apr. 14, 24

Beautiful sunny and warm temps up to 17 Deg. with calm to light breeze this weekend, water temps 43 Deg. in the mornings up to 45 during the day. Over a week of strong winds and cool temperatures right at … Continue reading

Apr. 5, 24

Tunkwa Lake iced off Tuesday late afternoon, high winds pushed the ice to the North shore line. Cool temps and moderate winds out of the North will have conditions chilly out there.

Mar. 23, 24

We have had close to a week of mid teens temperatures by the afternoons with just below 0 temps at night, the last few days the highs have been around 8, overnight just around 0. The upcoming week highs are … Continue reading

Mar. 9, 24

Old Man Winter has loosened it’s grip yesterday with above freezing temperatures during the day and just above freezing overnight. Daytime temperatures forecast in the low teens starting next Friday but over night it drops to below freezing. Were staring … Continue reading

Feb 10,24

Fishing has slowed down a bit, fish to 19 inches were caught during the week on dew worms, shrimp and krill. A few reports of larger fish getting broken off by line snaps trying to get them out of the … Continue reading

Jan. 28,24

Very slushy/wet conditions currently on the lake with the snow from the last snowfall and above freezing temps. Ice is around 14 inches thick. Fishing was good on Friday but Saturday they were tight lipped. Fish were caught on krill, … Continue reading


Milder temps have arrived after the cold snap last week, temps are around 0 during the day and -5 overnight, outlook show temps above freezing the upcoming week. We have had about a foot of snow the past week, some … Continue reading