Dec.11/14 Another successful hunting season has come and gone, with a couple more whitetail bucks coming in since the last report. Very few hunters out for the end of the season. Lots of rabbits around this year, plus the ever … Continue reading
Nov.30/13 Weather has been milder, with rain and freezing rain in the area. Some fresh snow is finally in the forecast. Hunting pressure has been very light to non-existant the past week. Another mulie doe on a an LEH … Continue reading
Fishing has remained good since the last report, with some days still being almost unbelievable . Hatches have been a bit spotty, esp. towards the end of the week, but by moving around, they still can be found. 10′-13′ down, … Continue reading
We had a great winter for our game up here, and from all the game(esp. bucks) we are seeing, it’s looking like it will be a great hunting season this fall. Saw this guy with 2 other bucks on the … Continue reading
LEH draw results have been issued! Hopefully you’ve had better luck then the Tunkwa crew, with all of drawing NILS again this year. Nine year straight run of NILS for me, even in the better odd draws……
Water tempuratures have cooled down due to low overnight tempurtures with wind late last week and the fishing picked up dramatically starting Saturday. Sunday was good and today is also very good. Chironomid fishing worked the best with large green … Continue reading
The hot spell broke later last week, with temps going back to more normal.We’ve had rain in the area the past few days as well. Night times are still nice and cool, dropping down to around 7 degrees. Surface water … Continue reading
Weather up here at Tunkwa has been pretty nice, daytime temps not hitting the highs like the cities, and valleys, our elevation sure helps. Night times have been nice and cool, it was 6 degrees this morning! We’ve had no … Continue reading
Deep water( 16ft) chironomid fishing has begun with anglers catching fish on maroon, chartreuse/red, The Chameleon and various bloodworm patterns as fish schooled up feeding on bloodworms. Fishers trolling gang trolls with worms or hot shots at 15 feet did … Continue reading
We’ve had some warm weather up here at Tunkwa, nothing like the temps they are having in the cities down in the valleys! Our night time temps have been really falling to very comfortable levels making some great evenings and … Continue reading