Dec.01/08 Another trout season has come and gone on Tunkwa! We had one angler taking advantage of mediocre ice conditions and gave it a go. Looking back over the year, we saw a record late, ice off( May 5) and … Continue reading
End of Season Wrap Up Tunkwa area, like much of the province, experienced some unusual weather conditions this fall, with very warm temps, and very little snow, at least until mid Dec. when deer seasons closed. Guests hunting from the … Continue reading
Dec.16/07 We have had no reports of anyone ice fishing local lakes, but the option is there. We are starting to get enough snow to use snowmobiles to access lakes that are open for ice fishing. The nearby Thompson River … Continue reading
End of Season Wrap Up Since the last report, we’ve slipped through the rest of the muley rut and the complete whitetail rut. Al from the resort, accompanied by a friend from Ontario, managed to harvest a couple medium sized … Continue reading