
Yesterday saw the start of ‘any buck’ season. With it falling on a Saturday, saw a lot of people out hunting. Weather has been bright and sunny, not ideal hunting conditions, but at least our nights are getting cold, down … Continue reading


Tunkwa was basked in beautiful weather this past week. Clear, calm sunny days, with clear cool/cold nights, temps dipping to -7! This cooling temps triggers the trout into there fall feeding binges. The trout will move shallow as the sun … Continue reading


Not many hunting guests in this past bit, so not much to report. We start seeing more hunters up here, come the opening of ‘any buck’ season. One or Annuals, Marcel was out with his daughter, and they harvested this … Continue reading


Weather has been all over the place this past week, with some nice sunny days, but a bunch more rain coming down to. We saw some night-time temps dip to below freezing a couple of times as well. We saw … Continue reading

Sept. 11/16

Fishing has been good the past few day for worm fisherman fishing in shallow water as the chironomid hatches slow down pushing the larger fish into shallower water to feed. Trollers with gang troll/flat fish, hot shots have also been … Continue reading

Sept. 5/16

Fishing was good to excellent over the weekend. Guests trolling quick fish, hot shots, gang trolls with either wedding band or worms caught fish. Chironomid hatches are still ongoing with size 12 in various colors coming off. Fish are feeding … Continue reading