May 21,23

Spotty fishing continued the past week, some fishers are doing ok to good while most others are struggling. Small bloodworms, black body/head with silver rib chironomids #16’s 2-3x and 14 1x working. Throat samples vary from small scuds, larger scuds, gasses up black chromies and the odd bomber (1″) pupae in dark green. A few adults seen during the week with bodies of just over an inch. Hatches are sporadic and in small areas where if your on it one does well while surrounding boats struggle, your a hero or a zero. Damsels have been seen yesterday but very few. Lack of wind and unseasonable high heat brought surface temps close to 70, putting off hatches. Hot shots casted to shorelines on spinning rods picked up some nice fish so damsels nymphs were probably on the menu. Many lakes are behaving the same, no rising or surface activity and very few jumping fish. Starting tonight rain is expected and cooler more seasonal temps for the week and by the end of the week 4 Deg. at night so expect some snow in the hills. A very unusual Spring that most say has never been seen before. After this weeks rain we return to seasonal and we shall see what now transpires after what the start of spring has brought us.

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