June 21,23

The past week we have had much windier weather and cool temperatures with a lot of rain dropping surface temps down to 59 from 69 Deg. Fish are more active and coming out of the weeds more than the past month. When the sun came out chironomids were coming off until the rains came though once again. Damsels have been coming off even with the cooler weather, caddis and some travelers have also been coming off along with Mayfly’s. Fishing has picked up slightly with fish being caught on Vampire leeches, pumpkinheads, damsel patterns and #14 chironomids or smaller and black leeches. Trollers over the weekend using hot shots, Kwik Fish and Bingo bugs got into some nice fish with numerous reports of break off’s from both the trollers and the fly guys so there are some nice fish out there. Fish are fat and healthy looking and chrome silver. Rain and a high of 13 Deg in the forecast today with seasonal weather starting tomorrow and through the weekend with sunshine and some clouds. Hoping to finally seeing some chironomid hatches as the warmer (not too hot) weather returns and looks fairly stable…..a first for the year!

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