Fishing has been good, when you get on active fish. Shrimp have been the hot bait.

Our first guests did well ice fishing Tunkwa Lake last weekend using worms and shrimp just out front off the peninsula. The ice is 6-7 inches thick with 5 inches of snow on the ice.
With Tunkwa back on the Pennask strain of rainbow trout being stocked for the past few years we anticipating the fishing to be good as experienced by our last guests. Temps are going down to -12 at night and up to -5 during the day.
Guys anchored in shallow water yesterday had a phenomenal day with fish to 4 lbs stripping leeches, guests arriving will be getting updated info on flies to use, just ask us in the store!
Nighttime temps are around 0, daytime temps up to 12 but with the sunshine feels like early September.
Forecast good weather will keep the fishing good as they fatten up before ice on in a month.
Light pressure on the lake this past weekend. Kids and adults fishing worm and bobber off the dock did well with fish to 2lbs. Fly fishers anchored in 5 feet of water tossing a type 3 slim line and floating line midge tip with leech patterns did very good with fish to 4lb. Weather has been and will be absolutely fantastic and with that good fishing will continue through the weekend unless the weatherman changes his mind.
Fishers are catching fish to just over 2 lbs right off our dock with the worm under a float.
Fly guys are stripping leeches in the shallows and watching fish come up to take their offerings, sight fishing is one of the most enjoyable methods of fly fishing.
With continued good weather the fishing will be productive. Night time temp are down to -6 with day time highs to 12 with weekend highs to 15.
What a beautiful fall!
We have had a cancellation for rustic cabin #2 for this weekend starting tonight-250-523-9697
Only a few fishers on the lake with one catching fish on a brown UV leech which he has 2 break-off due to large fish. Temps are -2 at night and 9 during the day.
Fishing was good when conditions allowed, trout are shallow feeding along the weed lines. Pumpkinhead flies have been the hot producer, but olive coloured micro leaches or Mini-Marts have been working as well. Fishing dragonfly nymphs or boatman patterns have started to produce as well, with some violent takes from trout.
Trolling wedding bands, or Kwikfish lures shallow is another good option.
Some of the best fishing of the year can happen at this time of the year, when we have sunny stable weather.
***Please note, after this Holiday weekend the Provincial Park will be locking the gates to the Leighton Campground closing access to the boat ramp for this lake.
Tunkwa Provincial Park will not be locked up after the end of hunting season.
A wet and windy weekend in the Tunkwa area this weekend. Fishing pressure was light, but guests able to tuck out of the weather still did pretty good on the rainbow trout. Trolling or casting micro leach patterns in darker colours, PumpkinHeads etc. were working well, fished just off the weed edges.
Worms fished under floats were doing very well in about 7 feet of water. Some guests fished Leighton to get out of the elements, and did very well down there as well.
A windy weekend up at Tunkwa, and some cooler more fall like temps greeted anglers. Fishing was slower, for most. Trolling along the weed edges or just above the patchier weeds produced trout. Kwikfish lightly weighted were working better than anything else. best fishing success came using worms under a float, the live bait was enough to entice the lethagic trout. The fish are starting to move shallower feeding in the patchy weeds and across the tops of the weedbeds. Some stable, and sunny weather should see the fishing pick right back up.
With the exception of Fridays nights torrential rains, the weekend up at Tunkwa was beautiful. Lots of guests out enjoying the weather, fishing on Tunkwa. Chironomid fishing had really slowed down, with few hatches coming off. Seemed only the small trout wanted the chironomids. Trolling, and covering water was much more effective. Trout were caught on a variety of lures, bait and flies being trolled, with no one presentation out fishing another. Lots of people in the store buying Pumpkinhead flies, so they were working well. A derby being held here this weekend, had a tie for first place, with 2 winners, each weighing in fish that weighed 3.1 lbs.
Weather this week is shaping up to be incredible, and very summer like. We expect to see another good bug hatch and some incredible fishing to follow.
Fishing chironomids are still the best way to catch fish as the hatches wind down for the year, size 12’s were coming off along with 14’s in dark green and brown. Black with red or copper rib did well for some guest with fish to 3 lbs. Surface temps are 61 Deg
Trolling leeches, k-marts or pink hot shots also worked along with worms fished under a float.
Warm weather will keep the chironomids hatching until we get some cooler weather and our first frosts and then water boatmen and caddis nymph and scuds(shrimp) will start to be on the fishes menu to fatten up for winter.
Some unsettled weather in the Tunkwa area this past weekend, but fishing remained steady. Sunday saw calmer conditions, and better bug hatches coming off. Once again the chironomid fisherman doing the best. It has been an incredible year for the ‘chironie’ fishermen!!!! Guests fishing chironomids under slip floats on spinning gear or casting, were doing very well. Size 12 in black sally, or snow cone patterns were consistent producers. ASB/copper or brown rib was another good producer. They had to be fished within a foot of the bottom, with deeper areas(14-16′) off the weed edges best. Worms under the slip float fished in the same areas produced as well. Trollers were picking up fish as well. Gang-trolls followed by darker wedding bands/worms, ruby eyed leaches, or pumpkinhead flies were good choices to troll. Reports of some giant Tunkwa rainbows(up to 29″) being taken fishing a ‘Ghompus dragonfly’ nymph patterns, fished above the emergent weeds.
Fishing is excellent now at Tunkwa. Yesterday some anglers got into
dozens of fish using chironomids. Fish size has increased with lots of 3lb fish and more 4lb fish and a few 5lb landed. Worm fisherman also did well fishing 2 feet off the bottom. Guests new to chironomiding are helped by our staff to learn the basics, you can use a chironomid on a spinning set up even, you don’t need a fly rod to experience this productive method of fly fishing. No reports how the trolling is working as very few are trolling. Stable weather of warm and sunny forecast through the weekend will keep the fishing hot!
Trollers were not doing as well as the fly fisherman this weekend but the worm and float fishers did fair fishing 2 feet off the bottom with rainbows to 3 lbs. The windier last 4 days has gotten the lake water at lower depths warmer, triggering the large chironomid hatch of big chironomids.
Worms fished under a float are doing well fished just off the bottom.
Fish are marking on fish finders between 7-9 feet and right on the bottom. Fish are taking #14-#12 chromies, dark green red buts, red/green “barber poles”, asb red/rib.
Fishing picked up again yesterday afternoon, with chironomid anglers into the rainbows. Some better sized trout in the catch, up to just over 5lbs, more quality then quantity.
Blue coloured chironomids, Chromies, or various ASB patterns, in size 12 (2x) or size 10 were best. Action came fishing 2′ off the bottom, from 9′ -14′ of water depths.
Sunny warm days, with nice cool nights, greated the Tunkwa area this past weekend. Fishing was a bit spotty Sat. and Sunday, as the bug hatches were light and very scattered. Moving around and mixing it up seemed to be the ticket to get the trout to go. Various chironomids tied on Size 12 scud hooks seemed to produce best. Trolling gang trolls, with a HotShot following behind, produced some better sized trout, and guest fishing worms under slip floats, set deep, did very well.
Fishing continues to be good early morning then early afternoon until dark. Trollers trolling gang trolls/wedding band and worms are catching fish, fishers trolling pink flat fish and kwik fish are also catching fish.
Chironomid fishing has been very good fishing 8′ deep in 12-14 feet of water, there are gaps in between the flurry of activity as the school of fish come through and anglers catching fish.
Green red butts, chromies, anti-static bag and gun metal patterns are working the best.
With beautiful weather and good fishing it’s one of the best times to be up here taking advantage of it at Tunkwa.
The fishing this long weekend was off and on, mostly on. The hatch was on right right in front of our docks and at the bay near the prov. camp ground. Some of the top rods did a bit of a show yesterday and today with fish up to 5lbs and numbers of fish in the 3lb to 4lb range. The size of your fly is more important then the colour , size 10 and 12 scud hook. Green with red butt,static bag with red rib,static bag with black butts are all working. the trollers are doing alright. Pumpkin heads and olive sparkle leaches around seven feet down. The trollers are doing best fishing near the 12 to 16 foot contour lines at the far end of the lake.
Justin Kings nice 20″‘er taken on his secret lure!
No feedback so far from guests trolling today.

Double header time!
We are still anticipating some of the best fishing to happen here in the next week or two, as the giant “Bomber” chironomids begin there annual hatch, hang on!

Brian Hamanishi’s nice Tunkwa trout taken Sunday morning on a mayfly nymph.

Nice one that rose up for a dry Travelling Sedge pattern.
Chironomid fishing has been excellent, with impressive catches being reported, trout to over 5 lbs are being landed. Key is fishing close to the bottom in deeper areas, not far off the deeper weed beds, and move with the schools of active trout when the action slows. Larger chironomids in Size 12 long, to almost ‘bomber’ size has been key, with ASB/red rib, dark green /red butt, or KD’s being the most productive patterns. Fishing up higher off the bottom is producing smaller trout.
Worms fished under a float have been producing as well, but a chironomid set up under a slip float on a spinning rod is much more effective.
Trollers are hooking up as well, not the numbers of fish like the chironomids, but still into trout. Gang trolls run ahead of wedding bands, dark coloured Kwikfish or hotshots have been best. Reddish brown Pumkinheads, or MiniMart wet fly patterns have been working as well.
Not too many reports coming in from area lakes, as most guests are staying put on Tunkwa and enjoying the incredible weather, and good fishing at their doorstep.

Trout food! Giant green ‘Bomber’ Chironomids, and there bloodworm larva stage, being found in our Tunkwa trout.

Fish are in a feeding frenzy with many patterns working so one does not need to be “dialed” in!!
Great to see the lake fishing so well and just prior to the “Bomber” hatch making this time of year so much fun to fish at Tunkwa.

Guys are out today and one of our permanents is getting fish after fish in sight of the resort. A light shower is moving through and great weather is forecast tomorrow and into this weekend with sunny skies and temperatures to 29 and lows to 12 overnight which is always good sleeping temps.
This time last year fishing got really good with the larger Pennask strain of fish stocked in Tunkwa feeding heavily on chironomids, fish to 6 lbs were caught at this time which may be the anticipated start of our popular Bomber hatch (#10-#8 chironomids)
Guests who would like to learn to fish the chironomid is encouaged as it’s a very productive method of fishing, just bring a spinning rod if you dont have a fly rod and we’ll teach you how it’s done!!
If you have a fly rod, floating line is all you need to get started.
Trolling Kwikfish, wedding-bands tipped with worms and various wet fly patterns have been producing trout as well. Reddish brown Pumpkinheads have been a good producer whether fished on a intermediate sink line, or rigged on a spinning rod, just weighted down a bit with some split shot. Worms fished close to the bottom under a slip float have been catching trout as well. Guests day tripping out to lakes in the immediate area have been reporting success, with various caddis nymph producing best for them.

The record heat in the area the past while, has made time on the water much more bearable then being stuck on shore. Good thing it cools off nicely at nigttime up here! Fishing has been slower during the heat of the day, with best success in the cooler mornings or evenings. Trolling Kwikfish in brighter colours has been producing better than most other presentations. Worms fished about 5′ under a slip float has been productive as well. There have been some pretty good chironomid hatches and fishing action for guests on them in the late afternoon and early evening. Pumping the fishes throats is showing them full of lively chironies in size 14 and 12’s. Chironie patterns like chrome red butt, ASB red rib, or Wonderbugs, have been producing best. Rainbow trout to just over 3lb have been coming to net. This warm spell has brought about good hatches of damsel flies, and drifting or stripping damsel nymphs patterns in or around the weedbeds should be a hot tactic now.
Some unsettled weather with heavy rains engulfed the Interior of BC for parts of last week. Prior to the system arriving fishing was very good. Some good catches were reported by chironomid anglers, fishing a couple feet of bottom. Copper and brown chironomids in size 12 were hot, then light olive patterns were working. ASB with olive rib, was a good producer. We’ve had a lot of guests in preparing for the National Loch Style Fishing Tournament, going on here and over at the Trojan Pond. They can only fly fish while the boat is drifting, casting forward, so we had lots of boats out employing this technique. Some good success was reported using this technique, with mayfly nymphs, mini marts and various wet patterns. Congrats to all the anglers participating in this charity fund raising event.
Other guest fishing worms under floats, wedding bands, and trolling various plugs(Kwikfish HotShots, Apex etc.) were reporting success as well.
During the days of the storms, fishing was understandably sporatic. This weekend saw nicer weather and fishing reports were good. Today is a beautiful day, calm, sunny and warm, and the fish action on the surface is looking good.
We have some really unstable weather in the area the past week, with wind and heavy rains bubbling up out of nowheres. The weekend some nicer weather, sun with temps into the mid 20’s, light to know wind, and just the occasional short lived shower. Mixed reports coming in. Trolling was producing fish during the windy times with all the usual presentations(hardware, or wet flies) are getting fish here and there. Chironomid fisherman who were able to find and set up on feeding fish did pretty good, with fish up to 23″ landed. Lots of colour patterns working,ASB/red rib, Barnes Lake Special(olive green) Whisky Dicks, and black silver/red butts, but size 14 and 16 have been key. Fish are still in the shallows, and just off the weed lines. Lots of fish jumping all over, but try and ignore them, and find the fish feeding showing themselves. A bunch of anglers set up in front of the resort have been hooking up pretty steady all day using ASB/red rib chironies.
Some nice sunny weather with a bit of wind for he most part the past week, but some heavy rains hit the area hard last night. Fishing remained steady, with some good flurries of action when anglers found actively feeding fish. Heavy winds made set up and presentation challenging at times. Lots of smaller rainbow trout being caught, but moving away from them and finding the schools of bigger fish pay off. Trollers have been doing good, with wedding bands, gang trolls or KwikFish, hooking up. Drifting or trolling wet flies, Mini Marts, Pumkinheads, or olive damsel nymphs are working as well. Feeding trout are higher in the water, so need to go deep fro them. Bigger fish can be found in the sparser weed beds or lines. Chironomid fishing has been working as well, smaller chironomids in dull green, ASB red rib, or tan coloured have been producing, when fished amongst feeding fish.
No damsel hatching here yet, and just a few scattered mayflies.
Guests day tripping to other nearby lakes are reporting success as well.
Some unsettled weather in the area this past weekend, made the fishing a bit spotty, but seemed everyone was into some trout. Water temps have cooled off a bit as well. Chironomid hatches have been spotty, but still coming off heavy in smaller areas at times. Few mayflies coming off, but nothing to get excited about.
The actively feeding fish have moved higher in the water column, and most success is coming from fishing 4-6′ feet down, even on the chironomids. Trolling KwiFish, Gang Trolls and various wet flies have been producing fish. Buick 52’s, Spratleys, and reddish-brown PumpkinHeads have been good wet fly patterns to troll or drift with. Various chironomid patterns have been effective, with Black/Red/white head, ASB/red rib, black red-butts or copper-tops being good choices, in size 12 or even 10’s at times. The ticket most days was fishing them high up under the indicator even over deeper water. We some great success on red blood worms patterns, fished along the bottom just after any windy days, a pretty consistent pattern on Tunkwa.
Fishing in or around the wed beds, esp. in the evening is providing success for guests trying this.
Weather looks like it is finally improving with sun in the forecast, and we should see the fishing just get better.
Some unstable weather in the area has made the fishing a bit spottier, slowing the bug hatches and feeding frenzies Tunkwa has been experiencing. Fishing remained ‘on fire’ up until last Thurs, the start of the full moon. There have been some good flurries of action, but not as intensem, if your at the right place, at he right time, with the right presentation, fishing can be great. We are seeing less intense chironie hatches, and more mayfly hatches in the later afternoon. Fish are coming on a variety of sized chironomids, but no one size or colour had been outproducing another. Wet fly patterns, like Mini-Marts or sparkle leaches have been working. We had our first double digit sized rainbow landed by guests yesterday, an incredible fish in the 10lb range! Taken on a sparkle leach.
Weather today is a bit sunnier with the occasional shower passing through, and from the lodge I/m seeing lots of trout actively feeding, I think we are going to see some good reports from the guests fishing today!
Weather was a bit up and own this weekend, some rain, some sun, little burst of wind. Pretty heavy rains here today.
fishing was hit and miss, with some good flurries of action, but it seemed everyone was into some fish. There were some heavy chironomid hatches coming off at times, and fish keyed in on them. Sizes and colour of chironomid patterns were all over the place, with not one fishing better then another. Trolling also put anglers into action, darker leach patterns and the ‘MiniMarts’ proved to be the best presentation. Wedding bands, tipped with worms also were working at times. Fishing off the shoreline with worms also provided action for gusts. Evenings the lake was just alive with trout rising and feeding on the emerging bugs.We heard some good fish tales this weekend of some huge rainbows being hooked only to skyrocket in the air and spit the hook or break the line.
Fishing has been incredible this spring!
Tunkwa continued to fish pretty good, but winds made it a bit tougher to set up. Lots of smaller fish to sift through to get to the bigger ones. Sundays gusty winds kept most anglers off the lake and fishing some smaller more protected options nearby. Chironomid continue to produce best, brighter greens, “rootbeer’ and black silver were the better patterns. Size 14 and 12 are about right. Water temps on the surface are holding steady at 59-60F, and lake level has crested and is now receding slightly.
Trollers are hooking up as well, with all the usual presentations producing when put at the right depth over actively feeding fish.
Guests fishing Leighton reported it fished well, with size 14 chironomids in ASB, with brown rib, and a copper head being deadly.
Weather is back to more seasonable temps, but still sunny and dry.
We’re starting to see some bigger chironomids hatching, and showing up in stomach samples.
Tunkwa surface water temps are a steady 59-60F, and water clarity is better then anyone can ever remember. Good hatches were coming off with more larger sized chironies in the mix. Todays hot pattern was “chironomid candy” in size 14. various Greens and ASB patterns produced fish as well but the “candy’ pattern far outfished them!!! 2′ off the bottom in 7 -9′ of water was hot. Action was steady, and fishing 2 rods was a challenge at times. Fish to 3.5lbs were brought to net, super bright and very acrobatic, jumping like crazy! Good time to be fishing Tunkwa.
Dick Bartletts ‘Chironomid Candy’ pattern, tied with either a Chartreuse or white bead, deadly pattern on Tunkwa the past couple days!
Chironomids tied in ‘Kelly Green’ in a size 14 was the hot pattern.
Reports from chironomid fisherman are mixed, with some doing very well, and other not so well, again setting up on actively feeding fish is key! Whiskey Dicks, Red/Black, Black/silver rib and ASB(anti-static bag) red rib in size #14 have been the better patterns. We have seen the bigger trout being caught on green Spratley’s, Carey Specials, fished mid-depth on intermediate sink lines, with fish to just over 5lbs being caught.
Lots of flying ants have been hatching the past few days, something we haven’t seen here in a number of years, trout are plucking them off the surface.
Area lakes have been fishing well, with some god reports coming from Leighton the past couple days…anything green and sparkley, they’re saying!
Weather forecast for the next while continues to be unbelievably fantastic, making it a great time to come up and fish.
Reports from trollers, indicated they were into some fish, but nothing steady. Key is to turn and go back over the area you hook up, and stay on the active schools.
The weather now, and the incredible upcoming forecast should make for some great fishing. See you out there!
Th entire interior of BC was hammered with intense, almost hurricane force winds this weekend, making getting out on the water nearly a bust. A few fish were taken by anglers fishing of the shoreline, in areas slightly sheltered, but for the most part, fishing options were limited.
Fishing on Tunkwa the past couple days has been fantastic with some anglers into over 100 trout a day!! Lots of smaller fish to shift through to get to the better ones, but the big fish are letting there prescense be known. Same patterns, size 14 chrionomids(any colour!) fished shallow under an indicator is producing. Areas of warmer water is key. The winds have been relentless the past few days, making fishing areas out of it important for comfort sake, we can only imagine how good the fishing will be when it turns calm, and sunny, as predicted. This early jump start to the season on Tunkwa has been a nice bonus for those anglers able to take advantage of it!

View of Leighton from the bluff area looking north east.
A blustery weekend up at Tunkwa, with some snow on Saturday.
Water temps are 40-42F, with a few spots warming up to about 45F.
Anglers who could deal with the elements and tuck themselves out of the wind, still did well. Small chironomids, in 14 or 16, Black Sally’s or Anti Static Bag patterns were working. Tossing spinners, small spoons or floating rapalas to the shallows also accounted for hook ups on rainbows. Trollers did not report much success, but conditions were far from favorable for them. This weeks forecast for sunny warm weather should keep the bite going strong, and trigger more bug hatches.

Leighton Lake looking north.
North end of Tunkwa Lake this morning, BEAUTIFUL!!!
Fishing this afternoon, despite the cool windy weather was excellent! Many fish taken very shallow, small #16 or #14 chironomids (pattern didn’t make a difference) fished about 20 inches under an indicator, right up against the shorelines where active fish could be seen moving, was key. Some fish on darker leach patterns, but the small chironomids provided pretty well non stop action, a great way to start the open water season!

Steady ice-off action close to the banks!
Fishing this afternoon in the sunshine, just from the shore in “windblown” areas(KEY!!!!!), was pretty good! Huge amounts of small dark chironies hatching, but the best presentation to the active rainbow trout in the shallows, was the good old micro leach, fished on a full floating line, in black or maroon…..BTW there are some huge fish around this spring

Let the good times begin!
Some cooler weather the past days have slowed the ice off process on Tunkwa. There is now lots of open water, and one more good wind out of the south should see it go….Anyday now!!
Some nice rainbows have been caught fishing off the shoreline, and we have been seeing some good chironomid hatches(very tiny size) coming off, even with the cool weather. Guests fishing a couple lakes just down the road from us have been having success as well, the big difference in elevation makes all the difference at this time of the year for icing off.
Next report will be reporting “ice off”!

Pictures from today show how it is progressing!
View looking north up the resort shoreline.
View of the bay our camping area fronts onto, totally ice free!
An incredible Easter Weekend up here, bright hot sun, and unbelievably warm!
Ice on Tunkwa is really taking a beating under these conditions, and is turning dark, with a few open spots appearing wherever run off is entering the lake, ice off is progressing nicely, and it’s still shaping up for an early one!!
A couple of the lakes just down the road from us have opened up and are ice free, they are very fishable. A couple of our annuals fished from shore there yesterday, and got into some trout, pumping the stomachs showed the rainbows are feeding on small green bloodworms. Still-water fishing is now an option for those who want to get jump start on the season.
Stay tuned for more reports as ice off progresses on Tunkwa/Leighton.
Daytime highs hitting into the low double digits on the plus side, and nightime just dipping to freezing, it shouldn’t take long for ice off!
Watch on this reports page for ice off progress. Most of us have our bets on an early one, hopefully middle of April!
Tunkwa still has safe ice, with about 15″ thickness. Spots where run off is hitting the lake make a couple spots soft, and best to avoid. Ice fishing pressure has been light, and reports have been spotty.
We are still predicting an earlier ice off this year, with thickness down, and lots of our snowmelt has happened. A good 6″ of snow fell this morning making it look like a winter wonderland again.
Guests did very well fishing Tunkwa and it’s neighboring lake Leighton this past weekend. Many fish in the 2.5lb range caught off shrimp, krill and worms and numerous smaller ones also caught. Very windy conditions on Friday settled down for a nice day on the lake Saturday. Ice is still in good conditions to ice fish.
Ice thickness is around 15 to 17 inches thick. Upper elevations have lots of snow for snow mobiles to ride the countless kilometers of trails throughout the basin.
Weather continous to be unseasonably warm, with most days reaching above freezing, and nights now just dipping below it. Ice conditions are still good, with the occassional slushy section on both Tunkwa and Leighton.

This ‘brute’ Rainbow was caught by a Tunkwa staff fishing a local lake on a day trip. Was quiet the site being squeezed up the hole!!!

Ice thickness is around 15 inches with 5-6 inches of snow on the ice, surface conditions are frozen for easy walking on the lake to your fishing spot.
Ice fishing pressure has been light the past while. Some extremely cold temps last weekend, help solidify a lot of he slush making movement on the ice much easier, and drier!
Rainbows are still be taken in the usual spot, and all the usual presentations. Natural coloured shrimp have been working well, tipped on a pink jig head, as well as the good old earth worm. Weather up here is just incredible right now, sunny, calm and hitting plus 5 in the days. Last night was our first night that the temps stayed above freezing. This warmer spell has helped pack the snow down, giving a good base for snowmobiles.
Come on up and give winter at Tunkwa a try!!
Day times have been sunny calm, and just beautiful up here at Tunkwa, a great time to give the ice fishing a try!

Wendy K. with here first ever, ice caught trout from Tunkwa!’ Nice start and showing the guys how to do it!