March 27, 2018

It’s still winter up here at Tunkwa! We have seen some warmer days, and lots of snow melt, but the nights are still dipping below freezing, really slowing down the icing off process. Last night was our first night to … Continue reading

Jan. 29/18

For the most part, fishing was slow for many of our guests this past weekend. We missed most of the snow and storms around the Tunkwa area, only receiving a couple inches in total over the weekend, but the passing … Continue reading

Jan. 22/18

Ice fishing Tunkwa/Leighton has been pretty steady for most of our guests, if you find them, they are there in good sized schools, and tend to be feeding. Action can be fast when a school passes through. If you don’t … Continue reading

Jan 17,18

Fish have been still quite active this past weekend hitting the flashers as guests jig. Switching up to flashers with a hook instead of having a jig/hook with worm 12-14 inches below the flasher. Some did fairly well while others … Continue reading

Jan 6,18

Happy New Year! Temperatures have warmed up to around 0 and no breeze. Ice is 12 inches thick with a foot or so of snow on it. There are wet spots on the ice as the snow is insulating the … Continue reading

Jan. 6,18

Happy New Year! Temperatures have warmed up to around 0 and no breeze. Ice is 10 inches thick with a foot or so of snow on it. There are wet spots on the ice as the snow is insulating the … Continue reading


Ice fishing has been very good the past few days. Trout are actively feeding in the shallows, gorging on scuds(freshwater shrimp). Fishing the low light periods see’s the best action, first light and the last hour of light in the … Continue reading


Tunkwa area received incredible amounts of rain on Sat night and most of the day Sunday. All this water and snow melt ended up sitting on-top of the ice, causing very slippery and wet conditions. Amazingly die hards were out … Continue reading

Nov. 24,17

2 holes were drilled through the ice in front of the resort and thickness is 5 inches, an inch less than last week. We like to see 4 inches for foot traffic. Overnight temperatures return to below freezing Sunday night … Continue reading